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What is our mission?
On July 8, 2013, our family will depart for Cochabamba, Bolivia on a one-way ticket! For the next year, we will be partnering with LifeSong for Orphans and missionary friends to establish Fundación Esperanza (Hope Foundation). The foundation will provide Christ centered care for orphans in baby homes, adoptions, foster care families, nutrition, health care, education, transitional homes, and sustainable business programs in Bolivia. 

Why Bolivia?
The South American country of Bolivia is home to more than 13,000 orphaned, abandoned and vulnerable children who live without hope every day. Of these 13,000 boys and girls, an estimated 5,000 live within the city of Cochabamba. While a small number of adoptions do occur each year, the vast majority of these children grow up either on the streets or in orphanages and institutions, completely unaware of what it is to be loved or told they are a precious creation of God. While the future may currently be bleak for some, Fundación Esperanza, a ministry of Lifesong for Orphans, is committed to changing the trajectory of orphaned and vulnerable children in Bolivia.

How did we come to this decision?
Three years ago, we began to notice something was out of order - our priorities had become skewed. Our comfortable life style, successful career, and accumulation of things began to weigh on our conscience. One night, while reading about the Rich Young Ruler (Luke 18:18-30), we felt God asking us if we would give everything up to follow him? Could we give up our home, our jobs, and our possessions? We began to pray and ask God to lead us where He wanted us to go. Today, this is what has occured:
·       We sold our home, lake house, jet skis, cars, boat and most of our belongings and moved into a small apartment.
·       Mike stepped away from his career in finance on May 31, 2013.
·       We committed to one year in Bolivia.
·       Callan and Brock are enrolled in an international school in Cochamba for the next year.
·       We are waiting for God to reveal what will occur after our year in Bolivia.

How can you join us?
·       Commit to pray for our family during the next 12-18 months
·       Pray for the orphanage in Bolivia and the establishment of Fundación Esperanza
·       Contribute financially to building the legacy vision in Bolivia. Fundación Esperanza will need $125k per year until sustainable businesses are established in Bolivia. Contributions can be made through LifeSong for Orphans (and 100% of your contributions go directly to the foundation).
·       Connect us to your friends who also have a heart for Kingdom work. Your impact can be greater when you share with your friends. Mike is available to have conversations and meetings with your network to share the long-term vision of Fundación Esperanza.
·       Come visit us! Cochabamba translates into “Eternal Spring”.

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